Youthful skin with or without fillers?


Fillers are a hot topic and are becoming more and more popular. For some, they are a daunting prospect and for others , they are as normal as getting their weekly shop, but I’d be surprised if you hadn’t at least heard about someone who’s tried them.

What are fillers?

Dermal fillers replace lost volume, so they plump your skin where it may have started to show signs of ageing. It’s a tempting idea and can bring wonderful results; smoothing lines or giving you fuller lips, but they aren’t for everyone.

There are alternatives to fillers that can rejuvenate your skin and bring you a youthful, healthy glow. A strong daily skincare routine that protects your skin from sun damage, carried out alongside treatments such as peels, micro-needling, laser resurfacing and facials, sets you well on your way to reaching your skincare goals without an injection in sight!

Beware of the risks that come with using fillers

Unfortunately it is an industry that operates with little or no regulation. ‘Botox’ is a prescription only product so there is at least a little regulation but many find loop holes, but fillers are used far more generally and seem to be available almost anywhere these days! This means that customers are taking a risk at many shops and clinics and could be using unqualified people, who can never guarantee results, carry out proper preparation or provide aftercare guidance or support when something goes wrong..

I see a lot of people at The Secret Garden who have either suffered unwanted side effects or not achieved the results they wanted from using fillers and are looking for help. It’s so important to ensure that the clinic you use has the right training, qualifications, education and experience to ensure you are well looked after and you get the results you are looking for.

So what are the alternatives to fillers?

The most important thing to note is that you can absolutely rejuvenate your skin without using a needle. There are a range of great options available depending on what you want to achieve, your skin and your lifestyle, and we can tailor them to fit you perfectly at The Secret Garden.

Using chemical peels can be a fantastic way to boost collagen, brighten your skin, reduce pigment and give you a youthful glow. There are many different peels available to choose from. A peel offered by a beautician is different to a medical peel. There is much variety in peels and you need to pick the right one depending on what outcome you’re looking for and whether you can manage down time (time for your face to peel) or not.

Other treatments like Microneedling also boost collagen but can offer better targeting of textural issues or scarring. The addition of the laser here can bring real magic to the skin’s tone.

Using a professional with experience and knowledge is vital to making sure you get value from your treatment plan. A single treatment will not get you the long term result most clients are looking for and therefore, a course of treatments along with a good skin care routine at home will be most effective. As with so many things in life, you need to put the work in to get the best outcome!

Whatever look you want to achieve, make sure you do your research first. If you decide that fillers aren’t for you, you can be confident that at The Secret Garden we offer a lot of different options to help you smooth, tighten and boost your skin to keep you looking your beautiful best. The decision should always start with a consultation and then the right treatment path will be created, just for you and your skin.

Sharron Gordon