Why choose a Medical Led Clinic?

Why Choose a Medical Led Clinic For Skincare Treatments

Why a medical practitioner is the most qualified person to transform your skin 

 We think about going to a medical clinic when we are sick and a beauty salon when we want to be pampered, so when it comes to skin health, why would you go to a medical practitioner to help you achieve your goals?  


For me, it is about the additional skills that a medical practitioner has to take a fully integrated 360 approach, not just to how the skin looks but to how it functions at optimal health. 


Our skin is our largest organ and a window into our overall health and wellbeing, and what it needs to function and look its best changes over time and with age. 


Conditions such as acne, pigmentation and rosacea can be symptoms of other problems going on under the skin’s surface, such as hormonal changes or inflammation, and a medical practitioner is not just able to clinically diagnose, they are also able to prescribe and identify when to refer, if necessary. 


When we move up the treatment ladder onto treatments with higher risks, such as dermal fillers, a medical practitioner and, in particular, a prescribing practitioner, is much better equipped to deal with any complications, however rare, that may occur. You could also argue that they are far less likely to cause such complications in the first place due to their knowledge of anatomy. 


As a prescribing consultant pharmacist, I have a 20-year history of specialist clinical work for the NHS. I am also a member of the Aesthetics Experts Complications Group and am registered with Save Face, a register for aesthetics practitioners which only lists medically-led clinics operating to the highest standards.


I can get a peel down the road cheaper. 


We often get asked why treatments at a medical clinic are more expensive. What’s the difference? Yes, you can absolutely get peels cheaper but, with the medical-grade, scientifically-proven ingredients we work with, you will get more impactful and longer-lasting results. 


Even if it is the same product, what a medical practitioner will do with a peel and how they will use it is totally different from how a therapist is allowed to use a peel. Although superficially, it may look like the same treatment, it’s not.


Not all ingredients are created equally, and not all treatments can be performed equally. Micro-needling, for example, can be carried out at greater depths by a medic and wrinkle relaxing injections, and some skincare ingredients are prescription-only and need to be prescribed with a face-to-face consultation with a prescriber.


Anyone can legally perform other treatments, but that doesn’t mean they should. Dermal fillers, for example, in the right hands, can be life-changing, natural-looking and transformative for patients, but there are also risks involved that means you need to put yourself in safe hands.


As a PSRB (Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body) registered practitioner, I am held accountable and regulated, and I need to demonstrate competency in everything I do.


I work alongside a fantastic skin therapist, Mica Romer, who is amazing at what she does and who provides incredible skin treatments under my guidance and what’s called “oversight”. This is when a medical person is there to oversee and advise on any problems and is on hand if anything ever does go wrong. Mica also works within her remit, skin treatments, while I work within mine. For example, as the medical practitioner it is me who does all the injectables and I do all the consultations, to make sure the right treatments are always done by the right person.


Consultation is key


Consultation is a key part of that process and helps me get to know you are your needs so we can make a bespoke and tailored plan underpinned by medicine and driven by results.


At The Secret Garden skin clinic, your treatment will be a journey, and the consultation is the first step. We know that everyone’s skin is different, so the treatments and skincare that are right for you will be too. There’s no one size fits all approach.  


Come and have a chat with us. Book your consultation today by calling us on 01962 277 007 and book yourself in for a consultation or book online at https://thesecretgardenwinchester.co.uk/book-now


Sharron x




Sharron Gordon