Remove the ‘spidery’ appearance of veins on the face and body with laser vein removal.


What is Thread Vein Removal?

We use Nd:YAG (a type of pure laser treatment) to target veins on the face or body, removing the ‘spidery’ appearance on the skin, leaving a smooth finish. We have been administering this treatment in clinic for over 3 years with great results!


How Does Laser Vein Removal work?

This vein reduction method is an effective, non-invasive treatment that targets problem capillaries, vessels or veins with targeted laser energy. This damages the veins so that they shrink and then disappear. Laser energy also works to stimulate healing and cell renewal in the treated area for clearer-looking skin.

Laser Thread Vein Removal works by targeting the red pigment in the blood, within the blood vessels at the surface of the skin. The blood then coagulates in the small vessels (don’t worry – the blood readily reroutes!) and as a consequence, the blood vessel that you can see at the surface of the skin disappears.


What is it used to treat?

Nd:Yag can safely remove:

  • Spider veins

  • Hemangioma (vascular birthmark)

  • Telangiectasias (dilated superficial blood vessels)

  • Venous Lakes (port wine stains)


Am I suitable for thread Vein Removal?

Most skin types can be treated, however we will assess your skin during your initial consultation. Please note, you are not suitable for treatment if you are pregnant or breast feeding.


Does laser Vein Reduction/Removal hurt?

Most people do not experience discomfort, but some describe a mild stinging sensation. Redness in the area is common after the procedure, but subsides very quickly.


How long does Thread Vein Removal last?

Depending on the vein, some people need 3-5 treatment sessions in order to remove the thread veins or spider veins completely and results can vary from person to person. Interval times between the treatments is 6 weeks.


Before your Laser Vein Removal appointment:

It is important that you avoid the following within a 30-60 day period prior to treatment:

  • Sunbeds / sun bathing

  • Self-tanning product (for 7 days prior to the treatment)

  • Electrolysis

  • Waxing

  • Skin bleach, or depilatory creams

  • Anti-inflammatory medications (including aspirin & ibuprofen, thread vein rosacea and high colour clients)

  • Wear loose clothing so you’re comfortable immediately following your treatment


Book Your Treatment

If you haven’t visited The Secret Garden before, we highly recommend arranging a consultation or contacting us before booking a treatment.